Come creare note e appunti per pagine e post in wordPress
Quando si lavora con WordPress, capita spesso di dover annotare informazioni su pagine e articoli. Chi gestisce un blog, un sito aziendale o un e-commerce sa bene quanto possa essere utile avere un sistema per prendere appunti direttamente…

Recensione di “Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter”
Il plugin Filter Everything rappresenta una soluzione versatile e potente per la gestione dei filtri sui siti WordPress e WooCommerce. Con un’interfaccia semplice e intuitiva, consente di implementare filtri personalizzati su prodotti e contenuti,…

Advent Calendar for WordPress
Creating an Advent Calendar for WordPress can be a great way to impress site users during the Christmas season. In fact, we often find ourselves inventing marketing activities related to Christmas to celebrate the holidays and, let's face it,…

Organize images into folders in WordPress
Very often it could be extremely convenient to be able to organize images into folders in WordPress, in order to have a more organized media library in which to find photos, videos, documents and so on more easily.
Having your images divided…

Export featured images along with WordPress articles
Having to export articles to WordPress along with their featured image is not uncommon and in some cases it can be more complex than it should be.
In fact, using the export tool made available by WordPress it is possible to generate an .xml…

Creating responsive tables in WordPress
If you need to insert data-rich tables on your WordPress site, you can easily find yourself faced with an uncomfortable problem. Considering that the traffic from mobile devices is estimated to be more than 75% (and the data constantly rises),…

WPBakery does not work with WordPress 5.5 (solution)
If you are using WPBakery Page Builder you may experience problems moving to WordPress 5.5.
In fact, it could happen that some elements of both the frontend and the backend are not displayed correctly, or even not displayed at all.